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The Energy Leadership Index® Assessment: Who It's For, How it Works, and 5 Powerful Benefits

The Energy Leadership Index® (ELI) offers something entirely different from assessments like Myers-Briggs (MBTI), DiSC, and StrengthsFinder, which help you understand your personality traits and strengths. While these tools are great for leveraging strengths and turning weaknesses into growth opportunities, the ELI takes you on a journey beyond your personality—it reveals how you energetically show up in all areas of life. 

This article will dive into what the ELI is and share five powerful, and maybe even surprising, benefits of taking it.

If you're here, you're probably curious about the ELI and may be considering a debrief with an iPEC certified coach. Let’s discover how this unique assessment can help you unlock your full potential, and how to get your hands on it!


What is the Energy Leadership Index® Assessment?


The Energy Leadership Index®(ELI) is a groundbreaking attitudinal assessment that reveals how you show up in every aspect of your life by uncovering your unique outlook on the world in quantifiable terms. We all see the world through different lenses shaped by our upbringing and experiences. At its core, the ELI is a leadership assessment—it measures your ability to lead yourself (and others) toward positive and productive action.

Imagine being a manager facing a tough team conflict or a tight deadline. The ELI can show you how your unconscious reactions shape your outcomes and offer you a path to more conscious, effective decision-making. Whether you're striving to inspire collaboration, meet goals, or simply handle stress better, the ELI helps you unlock the leader within.

Transformations glasses sketch

But it’s not just for managers or workplace leaders—it’s for anyone who wants to live a more intentional and impactful life, from parents and students to employees and entrepreneurs. It measures your energy, or level of consciousness, across seven levels—ranging from draining and stuck to empowering and growth-oriented. The ELI reveals which levels you’re currently experiencing in various areas of life—like finances, relationships, and leadership—giving you a clear picture of how your energy influences your actions and outcomes, and offers you several choices for how you’d like to proceed moving forward.

Developed by iPEC, the ELI is rooted in extensive research into human behavior and psychology. This powerful tool, available only through an iPEC certified coach, provides personalized insights that can transform your self-awareness, relationships, and overall life satisfaction.  


The Foundation of the Energy Leadership® Framework

Catabolic vs. Anabolic Energy: Definitions and Implications

Catabolic and anabolic energy are key concepts in the Energy Leadership Index®. They reflect a spectrum of how we perceive and engage with the world. Anabolic energy is expansive and full of possibilities; it’s the energy that fuels creativity, inspiration, and motivation. When you're in an anabolic state, you see options and opportunities everywhere—this way of perceiving the world helps you build strong relationships, innovate, and pursue new career or business ventures.

On the other hand, catabolic energy is draining and often linked to stress and frustration. While it can sometimes push you through acute challenges, like a big presentation or a tough conversation, it's not sustainable in the long term. Think back to a high-stress moment—a time you felt anxious, overwhelmed, or stuck. That’s catabolic energy limiting your perspective.

Energy scale

By the end of your ELI debrief, you'll have a clear picture of where your overall energy lies on this spectrum—whether you tend to lean more towards catabolic or anabolic energy and in what situations or areas of life. More importantly, you'll learn practical strategies to shift toward a more anabolic, empowering state, helping you see the world with fresh eyes and endless possibilities.

Exploring the 7 Levels of Energy

We use seven different energy levels to describe the types of energy a person can experience and express in each moment. These levels range from highly catabolic, stress-driven states to highly anabolic, empowering states. 

Whether you're feeling stuck in negativity or soaring with inspiration, each level shapes your perceptions, reactions, and outcomes in life. And while all levels have advantages and disadvantages, this research study found that people who experience higher, more anabolic levels of energy, according to the assessment, feel far more satisfied in key areas of life like work, relationships, communications skills, financial success, and leadership ability.

By understanding where you typically operate on this energy spectrum, you can uncover new ways to shift your mindset and create a more genuinely fulfilling life.

The 7 Levels of Energy (1)


What Sets the ELI Apart from Other Leadership Assessments

Dynamic Approach to Personal Growth

The Energy Leadership Index® (ELI) stands out because of its unique methodology, which differs from traditional assessments like Myers-Briggs or DiSC. While most assessments focus on static personality traits that remain fairly consistent throughout our lives, the ELI measures something far more dynamic—your current level of consciousness. Unlike personality traits, your energy levels can shift moment by moment, depending on your circumstances and mindset.

Think about a typical day: you might start your morning feeling energized and optimistic (high anabolic energy) as you plan out your tasks. But then, a sudden challenge at work might make you feel stressed and overwhelmed (catabolic energy). By the time you get home, you might be feeling a mix of emotions—perhaps still anxious about the day’s events, but also looking forward to spending time with your family. The ELI helps you recognize these shifts in real-time and gives you the power to consciously choose how you want to respond.

Offers A Holistic View

Unlike assessments that focus solely on specific skills or traits, the Energy Leadership Index® evaluates you as a whole person, considering your personal and professional life. 

Your energy isn’t compartmentalized—if something in your work life is draining you, it’ll affect how you show up with friends and family. Likewise, challenges in your personal life can spill over, making you less focused and productive at work. The ELI helps you see these connections, offering a holistic view of how your energy influences every area of your life.

Emphasis on Energy and Consciousness

The ELI doesn’t just evaluate your leadership skills; it dives deep into your energy patterns and how they influence your leadership style. Whether you're leading a team, managing a household, or just trying to navigate daily life, your energy and consciousness are at the core of every decision and interaction. The ELI reveals how your energy impacts your actions, relationships, and overall effectiveness, giving you the tools to elevate your leadership to new heights.

Imagine being able to approach a stressful situation—whether it’s a challenging work project or a disagreement with a loved one—with a calm, focused energy that leads to positive outcomes. The ELI equips you with the awareness and skills to make that shift, helping you become the best version of yourself in every situation. Whether you're dealing with a tricky situation with a coworker, trying to be more present with your family, or simply wanting to feel more in control of your life, the ELI is a tool you can use every day to make conscious choices that lead to a more fulfilling and successful life.


Who is the Energy Leadership Index® Assessment For?

This leadership assessment is for anyone looking to unlock their full potential and lead a more fulfilling life. Whether you’re a seasoned leader, an aspiring manager, or someone seeking to raise your consciousness and be the most aligned version of yourself, the ELI offers insights that can transform how you show up in the world.


Motivational Mover + ShakerFor Leaders Who Want to Elevate Their Impact

  • Leadership development: The Energy Leadership Index® is a powerful way for leaders to understand how their energy influences their leadership style. It offers a clear path to becoming the kind of leader who inspires and empowers others, whether you're managing a team or leading an organization.

  • Team dynamics and collaboration: If you're looking to enhance team collaboration, the ELI helps you see how your energy affects group dynamics. By understanding and consciously shifting your energy, you can create a more productive (and fun!) team environment. There’s even a 360 version of the assessment that can be used as a powerful feedback tool used to find out how others see you (in addition to how you see yourself).

  • Conflict resolution and communication: The ELI equips you with the tools to navigate conflicts with greater ease. By recognizing the energy levels at play, you can communicate more effectively and resolve issues in a way that actually strengthens relationships.

Conscious Culture-ShifterFor Individuals Seeking Personal Growth

  • Self-discovery and fulfillment: The ELI is perfect for those craving a deeper understanding of themselves. It uncovers the energy patterns that may be blocking you from achieving success and fulfillment, giving you the clarity you need to live the life of your dreams.

  • Authentic leadership at work and home: If you want to become your most authentic self, both at work and at home, the ELI shows you how. It helps you align your energy with your values, so you can lead with confidence and integrity in every aspect of your life.

  • Stress reduction and well-being: Feeling overwhelmed or stuck? The ELI reveals what’s lowering your energy and offers practical alternatives to help you feel less stressed. By shifting to higher energy levels, you can attract more of what you want and create a life that feels aligned and balanced.

It’s also worth mentioning that ELI debriefs can be customized to your needs. Whether you want a broad overview or prefer to dive into a specific area of your life—like relationships, finances, career, health and wellness, leadership, or spiritual connection—an ELI-MP certified coach can tailor the session to focus on what matters most to you. 

How the Energy Leadership Index® Assessment Works

Taking the ELI is simple: your coach will provide you with all the details to complete the online leadership assessment, which typically takes just 20-30 minutes. If you’re not already in touch with an ELI-certified coach, you can find one here. Just be sure to search for iPEC coaches with the Energy Leadership Index® Master Practitioner (ELI-MP) badge. 

Once the online assessment is completed, you'll schedule a debrief session with your coach where they’ll walk you through the 7 Levels of Energy, explaining what each one means and how it uniquely applies to you.

For example, imagine someone who scores high in Level 4 Energy. This person is deeply compassionate and typically very giving to others—whether it's their family, coworkers, or friends. But over time, they might start feeling drained or even resentful, wondering why no one seems to care for them in the same way. 

During the ELI debrief, this person might discover that their high Level 4 Energy is leading to burnout. With their coach’s support, they could begin taking steps to set healthy boundaries and channel some of that caring energy into self-care. This shift could lead to a more balanced, fulfilling life where they still support others without depleting themselves.


5 Powerful Benefits of the ELI

The ELI isn’t just about understanding your energy; it’s about using that insight to make tangible, positive changes in your life. Here are five reasons why taking the ELI could be a game-changer for you:

1. Enhance self-awareness

The ELI shines a light on how you truly show up in the world. By understanding your energy levels, you gain clarity about your default reactions and how they impact your life. 

One of our team members at iPEC shares, “This [awareness] provides an opportunity to understand and therefore meet some of my unconscious responses with greater clarity and kindness, even as I consider what I might want to shift either in the moment or in the future.” This heightened self-awareness/self-compassion combo is the first step toward meaningful, sustainable change.

2. Reduce stress

The ELI uncovers the energy patterns that trigger your stress which gives you the awareness to make conscious choices. Once you see what’s driving your stress, you gain the power to shift your energy and create more ease and balance in your daily life.

3. Live authentically

When you consciously shift your energy, the world around you begins to shift as well. The ELI empowers you to live a more authentic, fulfilling life by aligning your actions with your true self—creating success, however you define it.

4. Build stronger relationships

Understanding your energy—and the energy of those around you—leads to deeper, more meaningful connections. Whether it’s at work, at home, or in your community, you’ll be better equipped to communicate, empathize, and lead by example.

5. Feel more in control

The ELI puts you back in the driver’s seat of your life. With a clear understanding of your energy dynamics, you’ll feel more empowered, confident, and ready to create the life you’ve always dreamed of through conscious awareness and choice.

Bonus Benefit

The ELI can help you become a more inspiring leader! Whether you’re leading a team or just trying to lead a more intentional life, the ELI gives you the tools to inspire, motivate, and guide others (including yourself) with authenticity and purpose.


Closing Thoughts

As you reach the end of this deep dive into the Energy Leadership Index®, consider this: awareness is the cornerstone of all change. By understanding how you energetically show up in your life, you unlock the potential to be the best version of yourself and truly lead with intention. 

The ELI isn’t just another assessment—it’s a powerful tool that provides the clarity and insight needed to create the foundation for the change you seek. Whether you want to reduce stress, live more authentically, or feel more in control of your path, the ELI can guide you toward a more fulfilling, empowered life.  




Ready to see how you show up and shape the world around you? 

Take the ELI and discover the power of leading with intention.


If you’re already connected with an ELI-certified coach, fantastic! Reach out to them, and they’ll guide you through the online assessment and set up a debrief session. These coaches are highly trained to deliver an extraordinary, transformative experience, so you’re in expert hands.

If you haven’t connected with a coach yet but are eager to start, don’t worry! You can explore a full directory of iPEC coaches here. Again, just be sure to search for coaches with the Energy Leadership Index® Master Practitioner (ELI-MP) badge. 

Trust your instincts when choosing a coach—they’ve all been exceptionally trained by iPEC, and your intuition will guide you to the right fit. As you embark on this journey of self-discovery and transformation, may you find profound insights, meaningful growth, and a life brimming with purpose and joy.


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