iPEC Coaching Blog

How to Get Coaching Clients: 10 Powerful Strategies to Try

Written by iPEC Team | May 5, 2022 4:52:18 PM

Learning how to get coaching clients can be a lot like selling Girl Scout Cookies. When you first receive your initial shipment of cookies (aka, your coaching certification), it can feel like you’ve suddenly got a bunch of desirable goods to share, without a clear idea of how to find the right people who want what you've got. 

So what do you do?

Your first inclination might be to sell to those you know—your family members, your friends, your neighbors, etc. However, you'll probably soon run out of acquaintances with a sweet tooth.

You might’ve also thought to ask your friends and family members (even those who weren’t personally in need of your services) to help spread the word about your new coaching business. (Good thinking!) And maybe you’ve also read personal stories from other professional coaches or an article or two on how to get your first coaching client.

But, if you’re reading this, it means you’ve got more openings to fill on your client roster. So, what now?


How to get coaching clients after you’ve exhausted your personal contacts


This is, unfortunately, where the Girl Scout similarities end (but feel free to munch on some cookies while you keep reading).


Even after you’ve tapped your personal network, the good news is that your training has taught you that you can do things that feel hard at first—and to trust the process.

When it comes to learning how to get coaching clients, some fresh ideas and a little nudge in the right direction can go a long way. Just remember not to get so attached to the outcome of getting clients that you forget to show up as your relaxed, radiant self. And you don’t need to worry about forcing it! By putting yourself out there and trying new things, the right clients will come.

Whether you prefer in-person networking or marketing from the comfort of your couch, here are ten suggestions to help get you started.



In-person networking ideas

Simple math tells us the more people you know, the more potential clients you could have—and you’re much less likely to meet new people while sitting at home. Fortunately, it’s easier than ever to get yourself out there and connect with new people!

Below are five different routes you could take.



1. Join a local group or club

A great way to network is to attend social events, gatherings, or parties where you can naturally strike up conversations about your coaching services. Not sure how to get coaching clients? Being genuine and interested in others is a great place to start! You could join your local Rotary Club, become an active participant in the Chamber of Commerce, or even sign up to be a PTA member for your child’s school district (particularly if you’re a teen and parent coach)! Depending on where you live, there could be dozens of great opportunities to meet people and establish yourself as a trusted coach in those spaces.

2. Volunteer for a charitable cause

People who are passionate about a cause are often looking for ways to make a difference. You can offer pro bono sessions to charities or activist groups aligned with the change you want to see (and be part of!) in the world. Your coaching contributions can leave a lasting impression, potentially leading to referrals or recommendations in the future. (And regardless of the outcome, there’s something fulfilling about knowing your time was well spent contributing to a cause you care about!)

3. Host a local workshop or meetup

Hosting workshops or meetups relevant to your coaching niche can be an incredible opportunity to connect with potential clients. There's a unique kind of magic that unfolds when a group gathers to learn and grow together! These events allow you to demonstrate your expertise, offer value to participants, and pique their interest in working with you one-on-one. Some coaches even like to offer day-long or weekend retreats! You can collaborate with other business owners in your area to curate a unique and transformative experience the participants won’t soon forget. 


iPEC students and graduates have access to a wide range of valuable resources to support every stage of their coaching careers, including monthly business development webinars, ongoing masterclasses with Lead Trainers and faculty members, and even scripts, templates, and other ready-made materials to make hosting workshops a breeze. Learn more about our award-winning alumni support here. 


4. Reach out to fellow coaches

A common limiting (and untrue) belief is that there aren’t enough clients to go around. You may be surprised how many coaches will happily refer clients to another professional coach they know and trust, whether it’s because they’re not a good fit or they don’t currently have the bandwidth to take on new clients. Especially if you’re an iPEC alumnus, we’d encourage you to reach out to at least one or two of your fellow iPEC graduates—particularly those with a different coaching specialty than you—and explore the opportunity for a two-way referral partnership that feels like a true win-win for you both.

5. Attend an industry trade show or event

Speaking of coaching specialties . . . becoming more involved in your chosen field is a great way to meet new clients. For instance, if you’re a small business coach, you could attend a handful of trade shows for pet groomers, automotive repair professionals, web designers, or any other local event where specialized entrepreneurs are likely to gather. Consider the types of events your ideal client is likely to attend and look for opportunities to be in the mix.



At home marketing ideas

We totally get it—in-person networking is not for everyone. If you’re curious about how to get coaching clients using strategies that don’t involve attending an event full of strangers, consider experimenting with growing your clientele in one of the following five ways.


1. Create a local Google Business Profile

For your clients, finding a good coach isn’t really all that different from finding the nearest coffee shop or top-rated auto repair center. If you haven’t done so already, create a new business profile today. Just make sure you fill in your profile as completely and accurately as you can to ensure every new lead is qualified and the best possible fit.

2. Amp up your online presence

This starts with making sure your website (if you have one) and any social media profiles are up-to-date and present you in a way that’s intentional and authentic.  

💡 Pro-tip: be sure to ask your current clients for testimonials and share them everywhere you have a social media presence!

Then, consider including links to your social media profiles in your email signature and adding your handles to your business cards to make the most of every interaction. Many referrals will want to vet you first, and one of the most common ways they’ll do that is by perusing your online content. Don’t lose them with an online profile you haven’t updated in years!

3. Become a guest writer for an industry blog

Guest writing for an industry blog is another great way to get exposure and attract new clients. Choose a blog that’s highly respected within your coaching specialty, and reach out to inquire about their readership numbers and opportunities to include a link or two back to your own website. Once you’ve chosen a publication, be sure to submit only well-written, informative articles that are relevant to your target audience to help position you as an authority in the space. And if they offer an opportunity to include a link to your website in your byline, be sure to take them up on that!

4. Appear as a guest on a podcast or YouTube channel

If writing isn’t your thing, consider exploring podcasts and YouTube. Once you find a show or channel that’s relevant to your target audience, reach out and offer to be a guest expert! Not only will this give you exposure to potential clients, but it will also help you build your reputation as a specialist in your field. Plus, the beauty of this content is that it lives on forever. Long after it's published, new potential clients will continue to discover you!

5. Engage in online communities

Engaging in online communities is like being social at an in-person party, but it's all happening online! Just like you would connect with others in a physical setting, you can do the same in virtual spaces like relevant Facebook groups, Reddit threads, and Quora forums. By offering thoughtful and helpful responses to questions, you showcase your expertise and personality and make yourself known to potential clients. Who knows? Your words could be exactly what someone needs to hear, and you might just find your first paying client among those you've helped online!



Final thoughts on how to get coaching clients

Learning how to get coaching clients can be a joyful journey—don't be afraid to get creative! With a little ingenuity and effort, you can find new and effective ways to reach potential clients that you may have never thought of before. With a solid plan in place, you can continue to attract new business long after your personal network has been exhausted.

Remember, you get to choose when it comes to your marketing strategy. You can experiment with the networking or marketing models that spark your interest and choose to pursue the ones you want—at your own pace. And the best part is, with iPEC, not only will you be prepared for the journey, but you’ll have a vast network of support along the way.




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  • Best practices for how to get coaching clients 
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