Research That Supports Core Energy CoachingTM
There is now published research to support what tens of thousands of coaches around the world (and their clients!) have known for years: that iPEC’s research-backed methodologies create profound, lasting, and measurable impacts in people’s lives.

The research papers below illustrate the efficacy of our proprietary coaching tools like Core Energy CoachingTM and the Energy Leadership Index® assessment (ELI), the tangible results they create, and how our approach to coach training produces the most powerful coaches globally.
⭐ Coaches, feel free to share these papers with your potential clients!
What is Core Energy CoachingTM?
Core Energy Coaching™ is iPEC’s signature methodology used to uncover the root (or “core”) of an individual’s challenges by identifying and shifting inner thoughts, beliefs, and emotions that impede their success. This proven approach helps clients sustainably reduce stress, connect with their purpose and passion, and experience more fulfillment across all areas of life.