It Pays to Be Certified! iPEC's Coach Certification Boosts HR Salary by 28%
by Leo Kaminski
Sep 17, 2018 | 3 minutes read![](jpg/istock-1278728777_web.jpg)
Studies show that getting trained and certified in coaching skills as an HR professional increases salary potential.
There are dozens of ways to add letters, credentials, and certifications to your name. But when it comes down to aligning your purpose with your career growth AND your wallet, there’s one set of letters that adds the greatest impact when you add coaching skills as an HR professional.
According to a study conducted by the research firm PayScale, it’s iPEC’s CPC.
The data shows HR professionals who became an iPEC CPC (Certified Professional Coach) were promoted more often than colleagues who had no certifications by 14%. That same group also took home 28% more pay.
This can bring great peace of mind when it comes to your career, money, and work-life balance.
Let’s say you’re one of the HR professionals who holds the most popular certification: PHR from HRCI. You’ve likely already enjoyed a 2.9% increase in pay, thanks to this highly regarded professional credential. By also earning your CPC from iPEC you could reasonably expect an added 28% increase in pay.
Let’s say you’re making around $60,000. Having your PHR with HRCI will, on average, render you a pay raise of $1,740. But having your CPC on top of that—that’s a $17,287 raise. The difference in return can be upward of $19,027; that’s quite a boost.
Leaders in human resources know the value of having coaching skills as an HR professional goes far beyond dollars and cents.
Executives are increasingly looking to HR experts with proven coaching skills to help make strategic decisions that benefit the wellbeing and fitness of the workplace (which likely connects to many of the reasons you were drawn to the field of human resources in the first place).
According to Gallup’s 2017 “State of the Global Workplace,” the percentage of full-time adult employees who are actually engaged at work is just 15%. Annual reviews, forced rankings, and outdated competencies no longer achieve the intended results—not to mention, these antiquated methods leave employees feeling dissatisfied and unmotivated.
On the other hand, Gallup’s findings suggest that businesses with a people-oriented culture that focus on engagement (e.g., positive workplace relationships, frequent recognition, ongoing performance conversations, and opportunities for personal development) get the most out of their employees.
These needs are most fundamentally addressed when we peel back the layers and gain a deeper understanding of how employees think, what motivates them, what inspires them, and what turns them away from engagement.
These are people skills. To be exact, they’re coaching skills.
Understanding people, how they operate, and how you can coach them to achieve their desired goals and more positively engage within an organization is a core foundation that gives iPEC’s Coach Training Program and the CPC certification an edge.
“Almost immediately, we have seen positive shifts in individuals and in the overall awareness and mindset of the teams. A new language around energy has taken hold around the office,” says strategic senior human resources executive and iPEC CPC, Pasquale Ferrara, Jr.
Ferrara, who works for a global financial services firm, believes iPEC’s Energy Leadership™ process was pivotal to shifting the culture and mindset at work as people began to connect meaning to their work.
“Not only are people noticing their energy levels but they’re talking about it! They’re seeking solutions on how to raise themselves to an even more positive, energetic place. The principles taught by iPEC have enhanced our change management programs and drastically shifted the culture and engagement.”
It’s that kind of mindset shift and a focus on energy and enthusiasm that executives are counting on their HR experts to achieve and thus, reward with an increase in pay.
Whether you’re looking at adding letters to your name for the money, for the career opportunities, or to increase the sense of fulfillment and purpose you get out of your work and life, iPEC’s CPC seems to clearly spell out the best result.
Choose a professional development opportunity and certification that empowers the role you play as an HR expert while helping you to live a happier and more fulfilled life.
Become a Certified Professional Coach with iPEC
Our coach training program has been accredited by the ICF since 2002, at a time when most programs were being turned away for not meeting the requirements and core competencies of the coaching profession. We've also been approved for recertification credit hours via the Human Resources Certification Institute (HRCI) and the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM).
Not to mention, of all the coach training programs out there, iPEC is the only program certified in 320 training hours—the level of hours required for a Master Certified Coach (MCC) credential with the ICF!
Why does all of that matter? It means we provide graduates with more than just a flashy piece of paper; we equip our graduates with three proprietary, research-backed, coaching certifications that are industry-recognized, client demanded, and will set you apart as a masterful coach.
At iPEC, it isn’t simply about the quality of our training—it’s about the quality of YOUR training. We’re here to support you to be the most masterful and successful coach that you can be.
Schedule an Appointment!